Tickets are now on sale on-line for our April 2016 shows, a double feature of Molière’s classic comedy The Doctor in spite of Himself and Ionesco’s pearl of absurdist theatre The Bald Soprano. Check out our show page for lots of helpful resources, and see you at the shows on Friday, April 15, or Saturday, April 16 at 8 PM.
Resources for our 2014 Show: The Learned Ladies by Molière
The performances of our 2014 show, The Learned Ladies, are coming up soon on Friday, April 11 and Saturday, April 12. To help make your visit even more enjoyable, we have assembled a few resources for you:
- one-page summaries of the play in English and in French
- the full text of the play in English and in French
- links to Wikipedia articles about the play and about Molière
Check them out at the page about our 2014 shows.
WordPress Transition Phase 2 Complete
We have now completed Phase 2 of our transition to the WordPress platform with the installation of the multilingual plug-in. All main content including pages, titles, categories and menus are now available in French. Switch between English and French using the selector on the horizontal menu bar or in the footer.
WordPress Transition Phase 1 Complete
We are pleased to announce that the first phase of transitioning our website to the platform is now complete. In English, you can :
- read about this year’s show, The Learned Ladies (Les Femmes savantes) by Molière, on April 11 & 12, 2014
- buy tickets on-line for the show
- find contact details for La Troupe
- find resources for schools
Our second phase involve installing the multilingual plug-in and making the same content available in French. Stay tuned!