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Category: 2017 Show
Sales Update – Just a few seats Friday, more on Saturday
There are just a few seats remaining for Friday evening’s performance. There are more and good seats available on Saturday. You can view the availability on the seating plan by clicking to embiggen the graphic below.

For Friday tickets, please contact our box office by telephone or by email. For Saturday tickets, you can contact the box office directly, or buy your tickets online.
Resumes and Full Texts now available for The Would-be Gentleman
We have now posted resumes and full texts of The Would-be Gentleman on-line. Each is available in PDF format in English and in French. Follow the links below to the file of your choice.
- Resume
- in English Résumé Bourgeois 2017 EN rev01
- in French Résumé Bourgeois 2017 FR rev01
- Full text of the play
- in English Bourgeois 2017 EN rev00
- in French Bourgeois 2017 FR rev00
Tickets now on sale on-line for The Would-be Gentleman

Tickets are now on sale on-line for our April 2017 performances of Molière’s The Would-be Gentleman (“Le Bourgeois gentilhomme”). Check out our show page for lots of helpful resources, and see you at the shows on Friday, April 21, or Saturday, April 22 at 8 PM.
Our 2017 Poster is now available
We have now released the poster for our 2017 production of the “The Would-be Gentleman” (“Le Bourgeois gentilhomme”), created by Troupe member Elizabeth Bucci.

The artwork for the poster is taken from “The Lute player”, a drawing made by royal designer Henri Gissey of the costume for that role for the inaugural production of the “Ballet of the Night” (“Ballet Royal de la Nuit”). This was a court ballet first performed on February 23, 1653 and which featured the 14 year-old Louis XIV in the role of Apollo, the Sun King. The music for the ballet was created by royal composer Jean-Baptiste Lully, who also composed the music for “The Would-be Gentleman”. One other link with our 2017 play: Henri Gissey designed the costumes for the original performances of “The Would-be Gentleman” too!
Click here for the full quality PDF version of the poster. We would be grateful for your help in distributing the poster.